Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
Becoming direct participants of Bacs
"I’ve saved £9k without needing to think about it"
6 ways to build confidence managing money
Instant Access Savings are here
Using topic modelling to understand customer saving goals
“When my ex and I broke up, I didn't expect it to affect my money like this”
“Identifying my emotional spending has given me more power and control over my money”
An update on our gender pay gap, April 2022
"I saved £500 by using round ups and riding my bike"
How we prepare for huge spikes in traffic as millions of our customers get paid early
"The thought of looking at my money used to make me physically sick, now I have so much more control"
“Analysing my spending data on Monzo helps me be feel more in control of my money”
"I use 19 Monzo Pots to manage every aspect of my money"