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Closing your business account

If you're thinking of leaving us, we’ll be sorry to see you go.

We won't be able to reopen your account for the same business if you decided you wanted to come back to Monzo at a later date, but you would be able to reapply for a new account for the same company. Before doing that, you would need to wait at least 30 days from the date of this closure before reapplying.

We can't guarantee that a new application would be successful but we'd review it in line with our eligibility criteria and processes at the time of submission.


Once your account is closed, we’ll email you to confirm and attach a statement showing your full payment transaction history. This document will be password protected, and we’ll send you the password to open it in a text message.

If you’d still like to proceed with closing your account, open the Monzo app and complete the below steps:

  • Bring your account balance to £0 (this includes withdrawing the balance of any Pots you have)

  • Tap on your profile icon (in the top left of the home screen)

  • Tap on the settings cog (in the top right)

  • Tap "Close account" to get started

Note: If the account has more than 1 admin, we'll need consent from all admins in the app chat before closing.

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