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What does my international payment status mean?

Once you've sent an international transfer, you can check on the status of the payment by clicking on the payment in your Monzo app feed. Please note that there can sometimes be a delay between Wise and Monzo in updating the status of a payment!

Here are the payment statuses for international transfers, and what they mean:


We've sent a Faster Payment to Wise for the GBP amount you're sending, and we're waiting on them to confirm that they've received it. Hold tight!

⏲️ Waiting for recipient

Wise is waiting on the recipient to confirm some information before they're able to process the transfer.

⚙️ Processing

Wise has received the GBP payment, and is processing it on their end.

💱 Converting

Wise has processed the payment, and converted the GBP amount to the amount in the currency you're sending to!

💸 Sent

Wise has sent the payment to the recipient, and it's on its way! The amount of time the payment will take to arrive with the recipient will depend on the currency and location, but you can check an estimated delivery estimate here!

🔙 Charged back

The payment has been recalled.


This means that we never sent the payment to Wise for them to convert and forward onto the recipient. You won't have been charged, and you'll need to initiate a new payment.

Cancelled, refunding

It wasn't possible to complete the transfer, so the payment is being refunded. The timeline for the refund will depend on several factors, like whether or not Wise had sent the payment yet, and the currency the payment was sent in.

💰 Refunded

The payment has been successfully refunded to your Monzo account 🎉

🥎 Bounced back

The transfer has bounced back, but it hasn't been refunded or cancelled just yet. If this status persists for longer than 48 hours, get in touch!

🤔 Unknown

It's not possible to complete the payment just yet, because Wise is missing some critical information.

For any information on your payment status, contact Wise at [email protected]. Make sure to quote the Transfer ID of the payment in question, so Wise are able to locate it!

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