Product Updates
- Product Updates
Monzo App Shortcuts on Android: New Update
To kick off the New Year on Android, we’ve just released version 1.3.3 to the Play Store with app shortcut support!
- Product Updates
Spending on Android! New Update Out Now
We’ve just pushed version 1.2.0 to the Play Store bringing Spending, as well as a variety of other improvements and bug fixes
- Product Updates
New Monzo Update: Card Replacement on Android
Now you can order a new card instantly from within the Android app…
- Product Updates
Android is Here!
Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce the release of version 1 of the Monzo Android app!
- Product Updates
New Monzo Update: Limits on iOS
A new Monzo update which brings the Limits page to iOS...
- Product Updates
New Mondo Update: Updated Design and More
New day, new Mondo update! We’ve just pushed a new update to the iOS app with two big changes and a bunch of bug fixes…
- Product Updates
New Mondo Update: Touch ID, Profile Editing and More
We’ve been hard at work on a new update to the Mondo iOS app, which we’re releasing to the App Store today as version 1.5.3...
- Product Updates
Mondo Version 1.5: Improved Search and New Export Features
We’re very excited to release version 1.5 of the Mondo app on iOS which you can download now in the App Store...
- Product Updates
What Makes A Bank Ethical?
We started Mondo because we believe there should be an alternative to the banking of the past...
- Product Updates
The Next Step
136 days after we launched our Alpha preview, we're excited to announce the...
- Product Updates
We're Ready
We are incredibly excited to announce the start of the Mondo Alpha Preview. We’ll shortly be...