Contacting support
You’ll quickly find answers to most questions by searching our help articles.
You can chat to us 24 hours a day for anything urgent, like:
you can’t make an urgent payment
Chat with us 📱
The best way to contact our support team is to chat with us in the app.
Call us ☎️
You can call us for free on 0800 802 1281. If you're abroad, you can call +44 20 3872 0620.
If your question isn’t urgent
If your question isn’t urgent, we’ll be around to answer it between 7am and 8pm via call or chat.
There are some things we can't help with over the phone, like sharing account information or updating your phone number or email address.
You can update these details in the app.
Tap Home
Tap on your profile icon (if you can’t see that, swipe down on your card)
Tap Settings
Tap your name to change your address, phone number and email address