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Spending, Balance and Targets in Trends


‘Spending’ in Trends will show you monthly or yearly overviews of all your spending, plus a category breakdown. With Monzo Plus or Premium you’ll be able to see and categorise transactions made in your other bank accounts or credit cards, and see interactive graphs to help you get the deepest understanding of your spending.


’Balance’ In Trends will show you your running account balance over time and period specific insights like your total money in and out, as well as an estimate of what you’ve got left to spend, based on any upcoming payments.


‘Targets’ in Trends helps you set how much you want to spend each month and keep track of your progress on a graph.

You can set a single overall spending target for the month as well as spending targets for any, or all, of your categories! (Note: you can’t set a target for a category which you are excluding from your overall target).

Monzo Plus and Premium users can track spending across non-Monzo accounts too. They’ll also see a range of suggested targets based on their past spending and savings goals.

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