Why have I received an email about a refund from my closed account?
If you’ve received an email letting you know that you’ve received a refund and asking you to login to the app, please download the Monzo app and follow the instructions.
It’s likely that your old Monzo account has a positive balance
Please log in and verify your identity by recording a short video and taking a photo of one of your ID documents
Once we’ve verified you, you’ll be able to give us the details of another UK account for us to forward the money to
If you follow the in-app flow, the money should arrive instantly but can take up to two hours.
If you have any issues with the in-app flow and provide your defund details by email we’ll aim to transfer it within 7 working days for UK accounts (2-3 weeks for international payments)
We'll add 8% interest, applied from the date we originally received the money.
If you’re having any trouble downloading the app, logging in or approving your identity or you need us to send your balance to an international account please email remainingbalance@monzo.com with the following information:
Your name
The phone number on your old account
The email address on your old account
The account number, if you know it
Please also send a selfie holding your ID, so we can verify your identity.
You can find more information in the terms and conditions.