Understanding joint accounts
Monzo offers the ability to create a joint account đź‘ĄÂ A joint account is a separate account from your personal account that you share with someone you know.
Both people on a joint account will get a debit card so you can both easily spend from the account. Joint accounts also have their own unique account number, so you can easily use it to pay bills or save for shared goals
You’ll still keep your personal Monzo account and card, and you can easily view both accounts anytime in the app 💳 The personal and joint account cards will look different visually, making it easy to know where you are spending from.
💡Pro tip: You don’t have to be a couple to open a joint account! Whether you’re married, siblings, or even just roommates, a joint Monzo account makes it easy to track who made each transaction.
When you make a joint account, the only thing that is shared is that account - your personal account will remain private and not visible to the other joint account owner.
ℹ️ Please note: Ownership of the joint account itself is equally split between the two account owners - neither person will have more access to the features than the other. So you should only open a joint account with someone you trust.