Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
“I’m going to 7 weddings this year & it’s affecting how much I can save towards a house”
How we launch new products at Monzo
3 common travel scams and how to protect yourself
See into the future of Monzo
How to stop a money gap from tearing your friendships apart
What it's really like being on either side of the friendship money gap
Five lessons from my first year at Monzo
8 dos and don’ts of saving money at festivals
“How I built a £600 Festival Fund for a summer of fun”
How we do product management in the financial difficulties space
“How I’m saving for my £7k wedding in just five months”
“How we managed different money personalities on our group holiday”
Monzo Premium has a new travel insurance provider