Let's Talk Business / Ideas for everything from getting started, to taking your business to the next level.
- Let's Talk Business
"Monzo's integrated accounting has been a godsend!"
We chatted to Deborah Igunma, founder of Peek, about how Monzo Business is helping her succeed!
- Let's Talk Business
How to prepare your business for the new tax year
We’re approaching the start of another tax year. And while that's unlikely to get your heart racing (unless you’re an accountant), the run up to April 5th is still a great time to get your business affairs in order.
- Let's Talk Business
How will the March 2021 UK Budget affect your business?
How will the 2021 Budget affect your business and its prospects for the year ahead? With a few new policies outlined, we thought we’d walk you through some of the key measures the Government is introducing for small businesses.
- Let's Talk Business
Self-employed? Here are some tips for taking on your Self Assessment
Tax doesn’t need to be taxing. Our friends at Xero have shared their top tips for making Self Assessment a breeze!
- Let's Talk Business
Self-employed? Here are the basics you should know about tax
When you’re self-employed, getting on top of your taxes is really important, and they can be pretty stressful if you leave them to the last minute. So the team at TaxScouts have come up with a few tips to help you stay on top of it!
- Let's Talk Business
How accounting can help your business grow
A lot of businesses think of accounting as something they have to do, rather than something they want to do. But done right, accounting can help your business grow - here's how.
- Let's Talk Business
Accounting basics that every small business needs to get right
Healthy accounting and bookkeeping habits will help things run smoothly. You’ll be able to see how finances are going – and make tax season much less of a stress. The team at Xero accounting software explain what you need to keep an eye on, and why.
- Let's Talk Business
New to Monzo Business: we've made invoices better!
We got feedback about how we could make invoices more helpful when managing your business finances with Monzo Business Pro - so we set about making it happen. Today, we're letting you know about the first set of improvements we've made to invoices!
- Let's Talk Business
Startup accounting: what to do in your first weeks of business
So you’ve started a business? Nice, now you get to do accounting. Lucky you! Here's what you need to think about in your first few weeks.
- Let's Talk Business
Five ways to look after your mental health when self-employed
Working for yourself comes with its own unique challenges - here are five ways to make sure you're looking after your mental wellbeing when self-employed 💚
- Let's Talk Business
We've reached 50,000 Monzo Business customers
Earlier this year, we launched our Monzo Business accounts to the public. And almost exactly 6 months on, we've reached 50,000 business customers 🎉
- Business Basics
Do I need a business bank account?
We've outlined when you might set one up, what you'll need, and some of the benefits of a business bank account (like accounting and separating your finances).
- Business Basics
How to run social media for your business, according to Monzo
The Monzo marketing team share how to get started with using social media to promote your business.